Kherson Park

Kherson park prioritizes learning through exploration. This lunar-themed playground is situated in Kent, WA home of the Lunar Rover used by NASA on the moon today! Kherson Park play SPACE is one of our most unique design/builds to date. The Lunar Lander play structure and Mission Control panel are equipped with working switches and an intercom allowing kids to talk back and forth as if on their own space mission. Each piece is built to scale with incredible detail to simulate actual spacecraft and equipment used by NASA and space scientists. The Lunar Rover was built to replicate, to every last detail, the working lunar rover that was engineered by Boeing engineers in Kent and used on the moon by Apollo astronauts. The astronaut photo opp is fun for selfies and social media! Every piece included in this play environment was intentionally built to educate and inspire young minds, and to encourage future careers in the aerospace industry. This park as something for everyone.



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